Monday, October 25, 2010

The Literary SJG

People often stop me on the street and ask me, not where I got my hair cut or bought my diamond-studded stilettos or learned how to strut my stuff like a Vegas showgirl.  These are secrets I'd rather not share.  The SJG must keep a few things to herself, or spoil the magic.  I must keep the mystery that is me alive.  What people want to know, and maybe you're one of them, is what the hell I'm reading these days, for I'm always reading something.

I'm known for my highbrow literary tastes (oh wait, that's my father) and my need to escape reality as much as possible, because, let's face it, nothing fab is happening out in the real world.  So here's what's happening on my night stand:  a tower of stuff.  I just read "Freedom."  Three out of four bagels.  "A Gate At The Stairs."  Three-and-a-half bagels. Currently, I'm loving "The Finkler Question" by Howard Jacobson, the British Philip Roth, although he prefers to be thought of as the Jewish Jane Austen.   I'm three-quarters through this challenging and hilarious book and adoring it so much I don't want it to end.  It's about being Jewish in contemporary England and full of outlandish, offensive and extreme views on Israel, Anti-Semites, Self-Hating Jews, What Makes A Jew A Jew, Adultery, Circumcision, Bad Parenting, Friendship, Marriage and Grief.  In other words, everything.  The SJG gives it four bagels with cream cheese and lox, it's that good.